Classic Carnation Bouquet


Looking for the perfect way to show your love and appreciation to the most important woman in your life this Mother’s Day? Our Classic Carnation bouquet is the perfect choice! This stunning arrangement features delicate pink carnations paired with fragrant eucalyptus leaves. The bouquet is wrapped in crisp white paper and tied with a pretty pink ribbon, making it a truly special gift.

Choose from three different sizes to suit any budget and preference. Whether you’re looking for a small and sweet gesture, a medium-sized gift to make a statement, or a grand and luxurious arrangement, we have the perfect option for you. Our smallest size is perfect for a budget-friendly gift, while our largest size will make a truly unforgettable impression.

Located in Kuala Lumpur or Selangor? Take advantage of our same-day delivery service for ultimate convenience. We also offer custom arrangements via WhatsApp order, so you can personalize your gift to suit your recipient’s preferences.

Order early to ensure availability – our Classic Carnation bouquet is a popular choice for Mother’s Day and stocks are limited. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to express your love and appreciation with this timeless and meaningful gift. Order now and make this Mother’s Day truly special!


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