RM139.00 – RM689.00
Fresh Red Roses Bouquet
Do you think that red roses make you think more about love and romance? The arrangement of red roses with fresh eucalyptus is a perfect match! It expresses more than words can say. Perfect gift for your Valentine.
You can choose any bouquet sizes from 10 stalks, 20 stalks, 30 stalks, 50 stalks, or 99 stalks. However, there are 2 color choices for the outer wrapping paper, black or khaki.
Bukit Jalil City Signature Shop Office,
E-5-3 Pusat Perdagangan Bandar Bukit Jalil,
Persiaran Jalil 1, 57000 Kuala Lumpur.
1 review for Fresh Red Roses Bouquet
Sanjeet kumar a/l morthi –
I like it
admin –
Thank you very much dear 🥰