Vanessa Lily Bouquet


Looking for the perfect gift to brighten someone’s day? Look no further than our Vanessa Lily Bouquet! This stunning arrangement features delicate white lilies paired with vibrant spray carnations, fresh green bells, and fragrant eucalyptus leaves. The bouquet is elegantly wrapped in pink designer paper and tied with a crisp white ribbon, making it a truly special gift.

At 35cm in height and 25cm in width, this affordable bouquet is the perfect size for any occasion. Whether you’re celebrating Mother’s Day, a birthday, or simply want to show someone you care, our Vanessa Lily Bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression.

Located in Kuala Lumpur or Selangor? Take advantage of our same-day delivery service for ultimate convenience. We also offer custom arrangements via WhatsApp order, so you can personalize your gift to suit your recipient’s preferences.

Order early to avoid disappointment – our Vanessa Lily Bouquet is a popular choice and stocks are limited. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone’s day with this stunning arrangement. Order now and let us help you make someone smile!

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