Peonies Bouquet


Introducing our exquisite “Peonies Bouquet,” a charming arrangement of five stunning peonies that exude elegance and beauty. Known for their lush blooms and captivating fragrance, peonies are beloved flowers that symbolise love, romance, and prosperity.

Our skilled florists handpick five gorgeous peonies in a mix of colours, adding an element of surprise and delight to each bouquet. With their soft petals and enchanting hues, these peonies create a captivating display that will brighten any space and bring joy to the recipient.

To showcase the natural beauty of the peonies, we wrap them in a simple yet stylish design paper, allowing their vibrant colors to take center stage. A transparent paper is added to protect the delicate blooms during transportation, ensuring they arrive in pristine condition. Once received, it is recommended to remove the bouquet from the wrapping and place the peonies in a vase filled with fresh water.

Peonies are known for their longevity and can bring days of enjoyment. As they bloom and unfold, their beauty will continue to captivate and fill the room with their enchanting fragrance. Each time the recipient beholds the bouquet, they will be reminded of your thoughtful gesture and the beauty of the peonies.

At Miss Moonig Floral & Design, we take pride in our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Our florists carefully select the finest peonies to create breathtaking bouquets that exceed expectations. With our reliable delivery services covering Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, your “Peonies Bouquet” will be promptly delivered to the recipient, ensuring maximum freshness and beauty.

Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion, expressing your love and appreciation, or simply wishing to brighten someone’s day, the “Peonies Bouquet” is the perfect choice. Let these exquisite blooms convey your heartfelt sentiments and create a memorable gifting experience.

Order the “Peonies Bouquet” today and let the beauty and elegance of these magnificent flowers bring joy and happiness to your loved ones.

– 5 stalks of mix peonies
(color random pick by florist)
– Simple wrapping included, it is recommended to remove and put in the vase.

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